गुरु केदार बराल
यो धर्ती देखाइदिने र बुझाईदिने
देवका देव मेरा मातापिता
आदर मैले गरेर पुग्दैन
मेरो कर्तव्य पुग्दैन सदा ।
लोकको पनि महालोकबाट
जन्मेका मेरा मातापिताले
आज मलाई संसार देखाइदिए
यो ब्रह्माण्ड बुझ्नलाई
मलाई पैदा गराईदिए ।
आज म जे छु जे गर्दै छु
मातापिताको देन हो
जुन चाखो मार्गमा हिँडिरहेको छु
मार्ग मातापिताले खोलिदिएको हो ।
धन दौलत के का लागि
कुनै बेला मेरो मन भन्दछ
भविष्यमा चिनो छोड्ने
एक लालच मनमा छ ।
त्यो लालच मेरो लागि होइन
म्ाता पिताको सम्झनामा
एक अमूल्य कीर्ति छोडिदिनेछु
आभार रही मातापितामा ।
यो दुनियाँमा ठूलो को छ र
माता पिता सिवाय कोही छैन
जसले मातापितालाई अनादार गर्छ
उसले आँखा नै देख्दैन ।
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, November 26, 2010
I was born in pokali
Guru Kedar Baral
I was born in pokali VDC of okhaldhunga district B.S 2038.
The name of pokali VDC is founded by pokali fall. The fall is second tallest fall of Nepal and is 130m. People of okhaldhunga and other nearest district, worship the fall and also see the natural beauty of the fall ..
Still now I remember the event that happened to me when I was 7 years old. A old man like a red monkey approached me . I felt , he was pulling me toward pokali fall. We both went like rope way. Suddenly a cave appeared and we both entered there.Inside the cave there was female means the wife of the man who took me to the cave.firstly I couldn’t see her because herattiude revealed her devilism.Inside the cave we both remained as teacher and a student. He taught me many more about his knowledge. Inside the cave, I learnt many mantras taught by him because he was none other than a banjhakri. In simple language we can know him as jungle god.
People say that pokalifall is traditional home of banjhankri. Other castes and religions also go there and worship on their own way.
I got knowledge from pokalifall and banjhankri who lived there.after getting the knowledge from the ban jhakri I found ashram nepal an institution who serves the local ones who are suffering from the problems of present ,past and also forecast future incidents, love problems , divorce, addictions of various drugs and drinks ,sterility problems in females,loss in business matters,other family problems and many more.
Since I got knowledge from pokali fall I founded pokali fall service society in 2063B.S. and worked there as a president for 2 years. This society is mainly concerned with social services. I was born in pokali VDC of okhaldhunga district. Pokali VDC was named from the pokali fall .Pokalifall is religious and tourist area.
It is the second highest fall of Nepal . All highest fall do not show their effectivness .But pokalifall possesses all these.It has both religious and natural importances. The amount that is provided by Nepalese government for the progress of pokali VDC is misused by the people under the vdc committee,so I decided to make an icon eye on those people who misuse the budget.
Pokali jharna seems from eastern Ramechhape district. When pokali jharna falls its shape changes and takes shape of river.pokali mixes with liku many farmers' god hand in pokali.
How pokali name became famous? There is strange story of pokali fall. Near the pokali jharana there is big sunuwar village.in sunuwar language ''po'' means pig and ''kali'' means site of garbages.It means it is the place where the pigs do their dirty works .
Instead of knowing the religious and natural importance of this fall the local people go to badri and kedarnath.
My life is linked with poklai. I got knowledge from banjhakri spending seven month. My student are American Japanese European and other .I am only the person who frequently visits the foreign places I have already gone to 38 states .Whereever I go I talk proudly about pokali fall and its importances .since this fall has changed my life.
For me pokali is my pride my glory and my deep respect..
I was born in pokali VDC of okhaldhunga district B.S 2038.
The name of pokali VDC is founded by pokali fall. The fall is second tallest fall of Nepal and is 130m. People of okhaldhunga and other nearest district, worship the fall and also see the natural beauty of the fall ..
Still now I remember the event that happened to me when I was 7 years old. A old man like a red monkey approached me . I felt , he was pulling me toward pokali fall. We both went like rope way. Suddenly a cave appeared and we both entered there.Inside the cave there was female means the wife of the man who took me to the cave.firstly I couldn’t see her because herattiude revealed her devilism.Inside the cave we both remained as teacher and a student. He taught me many more about his knowledge. Inside the cave, I learnt many mantras taught by him because he was none other than a banjhakri. In simple language we can know him as jungle god.
People say that pokalifall is traditional home of banjhankri. Other castes and religions also go there and worship on their own way.
I got knowledge from pokalifall and banjhankri who lived there.after getting the knowledge from the ban jhakri I found ashram nepal an institution who serves the local ones who are suffering from the problems of present ,past and also forecast future incidents, love problems , divorce, addictions of various drugs and drinks ,sterility problems in females,loss in business matters,other family problems and many more.
Since I got knowledge from pokali fall I founded pokali fall service society in 2063B.S. and worked there as a president for 2 years. This society is mainly concerned with social services. I was born in pokali VDC of okhaldhunga district. Pokali VDC was named from the pokali fall .Pokalifall is religious and tourist area.
It is the second highest fall of Nepal . All highest fall do not show their effectivness .But pokalifall possesses all these.It has both religious and natural importances. The amount that is provided by Nepalese government for the progress of pokali VDC is misused by the people under the vdc committee,so I decided to make an icon eye on those people who misuse the budget.
Pokali jharna seems from eastern Ramechhape district. When pokali jharna falls its shape changes and takes shape of river.pokali mixes with liku many farmers' god hand in pokali.
How pokali name became famous? There is strange story of pokali fall. Near the pokali jharana there is big sunuwar village.in sunuwar language ''po'' means pig and ''kali'' means site of garbages.It means it is the place where the pigs do their dirty works .
Instead of knowing the religious and natural importance of this fall the local people go to badri and kedarnath.
My life is linked with poklai. I got knowledge from banjhakri spending seven month. My student are American Japanese European and other .I am only the person who frequently visits the foreign places I have already gone to 38 states .Whereever I go I talk proudly about pokali fall and its importances .since this fall has changed my life.
For me pokali is my pride my glory and my deep respect..
Friday, October 8, 2010
: पोकली झरना सेवा समाजका कामहरु
गुरु केदार बराल पोकली झरना सेवा समाजका संस्थापक अध्यक्ष
कुनै पनि विशेष लक्ष्य नलिइकन सामाजिक संस्थाको गठन गरिँदैन । संस्था गठन गरेर म गाउँ समाज र देशलाई यो कुरा दिनेछु भन्ने लेखाजोखा पहिले नै गरिनु पर्छ । हुन त यो देशमा सामाजिक संस्थाको नाममा डलरको खेती गरेर मोटाउनेको संख्या ९९ प्रतिशत छ । अर्थात् अझै बढी हुन सक्छ ।
हाम्रो गाउँको पोकली झरनाको प्रसिद्धि स्वदेश र विदेशमा उत्तिकै छ । गाउँघर जिल्ला अर्थात स्वदेशमा यसको महत्व धार्मिक रुपमा छ । तर त्यहाँ भित्र लुकेको सुन्दरताको रहस्य झन अनमोल छ । हामीले के देख्यौं भने यस्तो अलौकिक प्राकृतिक सम्पदा हामीसँग छ । तर पनि सरकार र जिल्ला विकास समिति कानमा तेल हालेर वस्छन् । विकासको सुरुवात किन गर्दैनन् श्र महान पर्यटकीय क्षेत्र बन्न सक्छ । अन्य जान्दा जान्दै पनि किन प्रचार प्रसार भएको खण्डमा यो पर्यटकीय स्थल बन्न सक्ने ठम्यायौं । धार्मिक क्षेत्रको रुपमा प्रचार त छँदै छ त्यो पनि झन फैलिएर जाने छ । यी यस्तै लक्ष्य र उद्देश्य लिएर हामी पोकली झरना सेवा समाज नामक सामाजिक संस्था लिएर प्रकट भएका छौं । २०६३ साल मंसिर १६ गते रत्न राज्य क्याम्पसमा भएको भेला पश्चात् हामीले यो पोकली झरना सेवा समाज गठन गरेका हौं । संस्था दर्ता गर्न जाँद हामीसँग फुटेको कौडी पनि थिएन कागतीको गेडा समेत चुस्न नपाई हामी संस्था दर्ता गर्न सफल भयौं । साथीहरुको अदम्य उत्साहको कारण पनि हामीलाई संस्था दर्ता गर्न सजिलो भयो । पोकली झरना सेवा समाजसँग एउटा उच्च कोटीको धार्मिक शक्ति छ जसले विछोडिएको मिलन गराउँछ । मनका दुर्गुणहरु फालिदिनेछ । गोजीमा पैसा नभए पनि नयाँ काम गर्न उक्साउँछ जाँगर दिन्छ । यही भएर पनि होला हाम्रा साथीहरु निस्वार्थ भावना लिएर आज पनि कि्रयाशील हुनुहुन्छ । म समाजमा आवद्ध भएर लागिरहनु भएका साथीको जुन त्याग छ त्यसको उच्च सम्मान गर्दछु ।
शुन्यबाट सुरु भएको हाम्रो पोकली झरना सेवा समाजले आज उल्लेखनीय काम गर्न सफल भएको छ । पत्रपत्रिका तथा एफएमहरुमा यसको निरन्तर समाचार सम्प्रेषण भइरहेको छ । गाउँमा जागरण बढेको छ । ओखलढुंगाबाट विविध काम लिएर राजधानी आउँदा अधिकांसले पोकली भरना सेवा समाजको सराहना गरिरहेका छन् । यो पनि त समाजको एउटा गतिलो काम हो जुन आज भन्दा अगाडि भएको थिएन ।
साथीहरुलाई म पोकली भरना सेवा समाजप्रति अझ सशक्त भएर काम गर्न आग्रह गर्दछु । आखिर हामीले केही पनि गरेनौं भने यसको महत्व विगतको स्थितिमा फर्कन्छ । त्यसको लागि पनि हामीले केही गर्नु परेको छ । मूल कमिटिमा भएका साथीहरुको उत्साहमा कमी आयो भने पोकली झरना सेवा समाजले केही गर्न सक्तैन । नाम मात्रको हुन्छ ।
आज पोकली झरना सेवा समाजको नाम लिएर कुनै अरु राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय रुपमा पोकली झरनाको प्रचार गर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ । यसमा साथीहरुको अझ कि्रयाशीलता बढोस भन्ने म चाहन्छु । प्रचार प्रसारबाट हामीले एक वर्षमा एक हजार विदेशी पर्यटक तान्न सक्यौ भने मात्रै पनि गाउँलाई ठूलो लाभ हुने देखिन्छ ।
मेरो तर्फबाट अहिले संचार माध्यम मार्फत सकेजति प्रचार गरिरहेको छु । यो निरन्तर रुपमा जारी रहने छ । हुन त हामीले छोटो समयमा नै पोकली झरना सेवा समाजलाई राम्रै उचाईमा पुर् यायौं । यसलाई अरु उच्च पार्ने काममा हामी सबै समान लक्ष्य लिएर लाग्न जरुरी छ । सामूहिक रुपमा काम गर्दा छिटो काम फत्ते हुन्छ भन्ने हामीले सोच्नु पर्छ ।
हाम्रो गाउँ स्वास्थ्य र शिक्षाको स्तर उकास्नुपर्छ । गाउँमा एउटा एउटा प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य चौकी स्थापना गर्न सक्यौ भने ठूलो काम हुन्छ । अरु गाउँका जनताले पनि ठूलो लाभ पाउँछन् । एउटा काममा सफलता मिलेमा स्वतः काम गर्नेलाई हौसला बढ्छ । हौसलाका साथ सामाजिक काममा लाग्दा रोकावट कतैबाट आउँदैन । खुट्टा तान्न खोज्नेहरु पनि चिप्लेर आफै पछारिन्छन् । त्यो दैवी शक्ति पोकली झरनासँग छ ।
हामीले गाउँको विकास गर्न कुन उपाय अपनाउँदा सजिलो पर्ला भनेर सोच्न जरुरी छ । आफूले उब्जाएको उपाय भए काम गर्न सजिलो हुन्छ । त्यसको लागि हाम्रो सामूहिक एकता चाहिन्छ । त्यसो भए जस्तो सुकै काम गर्न सम्भव छ । हामी जुगौंदेखि अन्धकारमा रहेको गाउँलाई लिखु खोलाबाटै विद्युत उत्पादन गरी झलमल्ल पार्न सक्छौं । अहिले पोकली भरना सेवा समाज त्यसमा लागि परेको छ । र चाँडै हाम्रो टुकी युगको अन्त्य हुनेछ ।
हामी सबै साथीहरुले के सोच्नुपर्छ भने हामी हाम्रो समाजलाई के दिन सक्छौं । गाउँलाई गरेको सहयोग आफ्नै लागि हो भन्ने भावना बढेर गयो भने हामी बाँच्नुको पनि सार्थकता रहन्छ । आज गाउँमा कसैको खुट्टा भाँचियो भने वा हात भाँचियो भने उपचार गर्ने ठाउँ छैन । गाउँलाई सडकले छोएको छैन । कसैलाई केही भयो भने डोकोमा हालेर घण्टौं लगाएर सदरमुकाम पुग्नुपर्छ । यसका लागि हामीलाई अस्पताल नितान्त आवश्यक छ । हामी सबै मिलेर गर् यौं भने हामी अस्पताल स्थापना गर्न बाध्य पार्न सरकारलाई सक्छौं । शिक्षालाई पनि हामीले सँगसँगै लैजानुपर्छ । गाउँमा हाम्रो उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय छैन । उच्च माध्यामिक विद्यालय भए आर्थिक अवस्था कमजोर भएकाहरुको ठूलो उद्दार हुने थियो । उनीहरुले आफ्नो काम गर्दै अध्ययन गर्ने मौका पाउने थिए । पोकली झरना सेवा समाजका सदस्य साथीहरुले यता पनि ध्यान दिएर रणनीति बनाई काम गर्न जरुरी छ ।
अन्त्यमा हामी अहिले जुन अवस्थामा छौं अर्थात् हाम्रो संस्थासँग प्रशस्त धन दौलत छैन । तर हामीले चोखो मनले काम गर्न थाल्यौं भने हामीले पैसा हौइन पैसाले हामीलाई खोज्दै आउने छ । आजसम्मको काममा साथीहरुको त्याग लगन र समर्पणको म दिलैबाट हार्दिक धन्यवाद दिन्छु । आगामी दिनमा पनि नयाँ साथीहरुलाई निस्वार्थ भावना लिएर दिनदुःखीको सेवामा जुट्दै सामाजिक विकासको काममा लाग्न हार्दिक आग्रह गर्दछु ।
धन्यवाद …
कुनै पनि विशेष लक्ष्य नलिइकन सामाजिक संस्थाको गठन गरिँदैन । संस्था गठन गरेर म गाउँ समाज र देशलाई यो कुरा दिनेछु भन्ने लेखाजोखा पहिले नै गरिनु पर्छ । हुन त यो देशमा सामाजिक संस्थाको नाममा डलरको खेती गरेर मोटाउनेको संख्या ९९ प्रतिशत छ । अर्थात् अझै बढी हुन सक्छ ।
हाम्रो गाउँको पोकली झरनाको प्रसिद्धि स्वदेश र विदेशमा उत्तिकै छ । गाउँघर जिल्ला अर्थात स्वदेशमा यसको महत्व धार्मिक रुपमा छ । तर त्यहाँ भित्र लुकेको सुन्दरताको रहस्य झन अनमोल छ । हामीले के देख्यौं भने यस्तो अलौकिक प्राकृतिक सम्पदा हामीसँग छ । तर पनि सरकार र जिल्ला विकास समिति कानमा तेल हालेर वस्छन् । विकासको सुरुवात किन गर्दैनन् श्र महान पर्यटकीय क्षेत्र बन्न सक्छ । अन्य जान्दा जान्दै पनि किन प्रचार प्रसार भएको खण्डमा यो पर्यटकीय स्थल बन्न सक्ने ठम्यायौं । धार्मिक क्षेत्रको रुपमा प्रचार त छँदै छ त्यो पनि झन फैलिएर जाने छ । यी यस्तै लक्ष्य र उद्देश्य लिएर हामी पोकली झरना सेवा समाज नामक सामाजिक संस्था लिएर प्रकट भएका छौं । २०६३ साल मंसिर १६ गते रत्न राज्य क्याम्पसमा भएको भेला पश्चात् हामीले यो पोकली झरना सेवा समाज गठन गरेका हौं । संस्था दर्ता गर्न जाँद हामीसँग फुटेको कौडी पनि थिएन कागतीको गेडा समेत चुस्न नपाई हामी संस्था दर्ता गर्न सफल भयौं । साथीहरुको अदम्य उत्साहको कारण पनि हामीलाई संस्था दर्ता गर्न सजिलो भयो । पोकली झरना सेवा समाजसँग एउटा उच्च कोटीको धार्मिक शक्ति छ जसले विछोडिएको मिलन गराउँछ । मनका दुर्गुणहरु फालिदिनेछ । गोजीमा पैसा नभए पनि नयाँ काम गर्न उक्साउँछ जाँगर दिन्छ । यही भएर पनि होला हाम्रा साथीहरु निस्वार्थ भावना लिएर आज पनि कि्रयाशील हुनुहुन्छ । म समाजमा आवद्ध भएर लागिरहनु भएका साथीको जुन त्याग छ त्यसको उच्च सम्मान गर्दछु ।
शुन्यबाट सुरु भएको हाम्रो पोकली झरना सेवा समाजले आज उल्लेखनीय काम गर्न सफल भएको छ । पत्रपत्रिका तथा एफएमहरुमा यसको निरन्तर समाचार सम्प्रेषण भइरहेको छ । गाउँमा जागरण बढेको छ । ओखलढुंगाबाट विविध काम लिएर राजधानी आउँदा अधिकांसले पोकली भरना सेवा समाजको सराहना गरिरहेका छन् । यो पनि त समाजको एउटा गतिलो काम हो जुन आज भन्दा अगाडि भएको थिएन ।
साथीहरुलाई म पोकली भरना सेवा समाजप्रति अझ सशक्त भएर काम गर्न आग्रह गर्दछु । आखिर हामीले केही पनि गरेनौं भने यसको महत्व विगतको स्थितिमा फर्कन्छ । त्यसको लागि पनि हामीले केही गर्नु परेको छ । मूल कमिटिमा भएका साथीहरुको उत्साहमा कमी आयो भने पोकली झरना सेवा समाजले केही गर्न सक्तैन । नाम मात्रको हुन्छ ।
आज पोकली झरना सेवा समाजको नाम लिएर कुनै अरु राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय रुपमा पोकली झरनाको प्रचार गर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ । यसमा साथीहरुको अझ कि्रयाशीलता बढोस भन्ने म चाहन्छु । प्रचार प्रसारबाट हामीले एक वर्षमा एक हजार विदेशी पर्यटक तान्न सक्यौ भने मात्रै पनि गाउँलाई ठूलो लाभ हुने देखिन्छ ।
मेरो तर्फबाट अहिले संचार माध्यम मार्फत सकेजति प्रचार गरिरहेको छु । यो निरन्तर रुपमा जारी रहने छ । हुन त हामीले छोटो समयमा नै पोकली झरना सेवा समाजलाई राम्रै उचाईमा पुर् यायौं । यसलाई अरु उच्च पार्ने काममा हामी सबै समान लक्ष्य लिएर लाग्न जरुरी छ । सामूहिक रुपमा काम गर्दा छिटो काम फत्ते हुन्छ भन्ने हामीले सोच्नु पर्छ ।
हाम्रो गाउँ स्वास्थ्य र शिक्षाको स्तर उकास्नुपर्छ । गाउँमा एउटा एउटा प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य चौकी स्थापना गर्न सक्यौ भने ठूलो काम हुन्छ । अरु गाउँका जनताले पनि ठूलो लाभ पाउँछन् । एउटा काममा सफलता मिलेमा स्वतः काम गर्नेलाई हौसला बढ्छ । हौसलाका साथ सामाजिक काममा लाग्दा रोकावट कतैबाट आउँदैन । खुट्टा तान्न खोज्नेहरु पनि चिप्लेर आफै पछारिन्छन् । त्यो दैवी शक्ति पोकली झरनासँग छ ।
हामीले गाउँको विकास गर्न कुन उपाय अपनाउँदा सजिलो पर्ला भनेर सोच्न जरुरी छ । आफूले उब्जाएको उपाय भए काम गर्न सजिलो हुन्छ । त्यसको लागि हाम्रो सामूहिक एकता चाहिन्छ । त्यसो भए जस्तो सुकै काम गर्न सम्भव छ । हामी जुगौंदेखि अन्धकारमा रहेको गाउँलाई लिखु खोलाबाटै विद्युत उत्पादन गरी झलमल्ल पार्न सक्छौं । अहिले पोकली भरना सेवा समाज त्यसमा लागि परेको छ । र चाँडै हाम्रो टुकी युगको अन्त्य हुनेछ ।
हामी सबै साथीहरुले के सोच्नुपर्छ भने हामी हाम्रो समाजलाई के दिन सक्छौं । गाउँलाई गरेको सहयोग आफ्नै लागि हो भन्ने भावना बढेर गयो भने हामी बाँच्नुको पनि सार्थकता रहन्छ । आज गाउँमा कसैको खुट्टा भाँचियो भने वा हात भाँचियो भने उपचार गर्ने ठाउँ छैन । गाउँलाई सडकले छोएको छैन । कसैलाई केही भयो भने डोकोमा हालेर घण्टौं लगाएर सदरमुकाम पुग्नुपर्छ । यसका लागि हामीलाई अस्पताल नितान्त आवश्यक छ । हामी सबै मिलेर गर् यौं भने हामी अस्पताल स्थापना गर्न बाध्य पार्न सरकारलाई सक्छौं । शिक्षालाई पनि हामीले सँगसँगै लैजानुपर्छ । गाउँमा हाम्रो उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय छैन । उच्च माध्यामिक विद्यालय भए आर्थिक अवस्था कमजोर भएकाहरुको ठूलो उद्दार हुने थियो । उनीहरुले आफ्नो काम गर्दै अध्ययन गर्ने मौका पाउने थिए । पोकली झरना सेवा समाजका सदस्य साथीहरुले यता पनि ध्यान दिएर रणनीति बनाई काम गर्न जरुरी छ ।
अन्त्यमा हामी अहिले जुन अवस्थामा छौं अर्थात् हाम्रो संस्थासँग प्रशस्त धन दौलत छैन । तर हामीले चोखो मनले काम गर्न थाल्यौं भने हामीले पैसा हौइन पैसाले हामीलाई खोज्दै आउने छ । आजसम्मको काममा साथीहरुको त्याग लगन र समर्पणको म दिलैबाट हार्दिक धन्यवाद दिन्छु । आगामी दिनमा पनि नयाँ साथीहरुलाई निस्वार्थ भावना लिएर दिनदुःखीको सेवामा जुट्दै सामाजिक विकासको काममा लाग्न हार्दिक आग्रह गर्दछु ।
धन्यवाद …
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Tourist are attracted towards the beauty of Okhaldhunga
Rafting-Rafting in Sunkoshi and Botekoshi attracts the tourist in Nepal.
Water-falls – Pokali water-falls attracts the tourists who are religious and loves natural beauty. If Pokali water fall could be advertised within Nepal it would relief the public of Okhaldhunga. We can take an example of Pathibhara as a symbol of Devi temple in Taplejung district, the public in Ilam named it as Pathibhara. Visitors from Darjaling and Sikkim visit Pathibhara, this shows that if people have unity the work becomes successful.
Gadhi - Historical corners “gadhi” are found to be constant. Repair and maintenance of gadhi could attract the tourist. Chasankhu gadhi of Diyale and Kotkateni gadhi of Thulachhap are also found to be not well taken care of.
Cave - Cave has great significance throughout the world. Our ancestors used to live in the cave and wodhar। One of the most popular cave of Pokhara “Mahendra gufa” has demonstrated of attraction of tourist towards cave and wodhar . Chameru Gufa of Okhaldunga Bilandu has proved to be playground "kridasthal" of chameru. The darkness inside the chameru gufa makes it difficult for people to go inside. If proper arrangement could be done, travel would be convenient for the people in the district, and it would make it possible to collect the money as well.
Religion- Okhaldhunga has a lot of religious conviction center. After Kathmandu the most faithful conviction center and शकि्र पिठहरु should be in Okhaldhunga district. The most popular Pokali water fall and forest shaman cave “ban-jhakri gufa” are found in the district, we have established an institution, “Pokali Jharana Sewa Samajh” to spread the information of these beauty and also to help the sufferers and the orphan locally. Okhaldhunga has the most faithful temples; Shree Champadevi temple in Bilandu -9, Kotika Kalika Devi temple in Chisankhu, Jageshwar Mahadev temple in Salleri Laglage, Pokhara devi temple in Tin Kanya Devi temple Pokhara-1, Namaideshwor Mahadev temple in Singhadevi Temple, Kuibhir -5, Mahadev temple of Thulibanshi in Bunnam and Kuntadevi temple of Khudampa in Diyale, Samanawati devi temple in Barnalu-9, Raghuwireshowr Mahadev temple in Okhaldhunga bazaar, and Kalikadevi in Saraswati sthan, Jalpadevi in Bhimsensthan, Watuk bhairab Ganesh temple. Involvement of local government bodies and local people of Okhaldhunga in spreading the information of these temple to people is seem to be important. Social and cultural institution should also play leadership role in the process.
Gumba - 15% of Buddhist are in Okhaldhunga and we have eight popular gumba which are also not well informed to the public. Some popular gumba of the district are Tolthol gumba, Riyal gumba and Dolakhark gumba of Patle, Kimardin gumba of Bhusinga, Ketuke gumba of Ketuke, Bhirkhark gumba of Khijiphalate, Ghunsa gumba of Baruneshwor and Lamja gumba of Ragani. These gumba attracts both national and foreign tourists, and nuns and monks. We need to do some fine-grained research studies on gumba of Manang, Mustang and Rasuwa. In reality it is not practicle for Okhaldhunga if you stay in a room like you would if you were to make a development strategy for national planning in Kathmandu. The reason behind this is only the local public of Okhaldhunga knows the taste of water, and they have love and affection for Okhaldhunga. These local public of Okhaldhunga live their life and send the last minute of their life in Okhaldhunga due to which they should be devoted in development of the district and spreading the information to help growth of the tourism. We should be free from our misunderstanding of the Government employees, they are not going to benefit Okhaldhunga nor are they going to view Okhaldhunga with a sacred vision.
Things to do to make Okhaldhunga a tourism sector:
People living outside the district needs to spread the information of Okhaldhunga.
Integrate the religious and racial unity in the district.
Coordinate the plans and programs of Okhaldhunga to the Non-government organizations.
A feeling of “Village development is development of your own home” should be developed.
If we could adopt these above mentioned points, it will not take long for us to reach to our goals and objectives
Guru Kedar Baral
(303) 725-5818
Currently in the USA
Water-falls – Pokali water-falls attracts the tourists who are religious and loves natural beauty. If Pokali water fall could be advertised within Nepal it would relief the public of Okhaldhunga. We can take an example of Pathibhara as a symbol of Devi temple in Taplejung district, the public in Ilam named it as Pathibhara. Visitors from Darjaling and Sikkim visit Pathibhara, this shows that if people have unity the work becomes successful.
Gadhi - Historical corners “gadhi” are found to be constant. Repair and maintenance of gadhi could attract the tourist. Chasankhu gadhi of Diyale and Kotkateni gadhi of Thulachhap are also found to be not well taken care of.
Cave - Cave has great significance throughout the world. Our ancestors used to live in the cave and wodhar। One of the most popular cave of Pokhara “Mahendra gufa” has demonstrated of attraction of tourist towards cave and wodhar . Chameru Gufa of Okhaldunga Bilandu has proved to be playground "kridasthal" of chameru. The darkness inside the chameru gufa makes it difficult for people to go inside. If proper arrangement could be done, travel would be convenient for the people in the district, and it would make it possible to collect the money as well.
Religion- Okhaldhunga has a lot of religious conviction center. After Kathmandu the most faithful conviction center and शकि्र पिठहरु should be in Okhaldhunga district. The most popular Pokali water fall and forest shaman cave “ban-jhakri gufa” are found in the district, we have established an institution, “Pokali Jharana Sewa Samajh” to spread the information of these beauty and also to help the sufferers and the orphan locally. Okhaldhunga has the most faithful temples; Shree Champadevi temple in Bilandu -9, Kotika Kalika Devi temple in Chisankhu, Jageshwar Mahadev temple in Salleri Laglage, Pokhara devi temple in Tin Kanya Devi temple Pokhara-1, Namaideshwor Mahadev temple in Singhadevi Temple, Kuibhir -5, Mahadev temple of Thulibanshi in Bunnam and Kuntadevi temple of Khudampa in Diyale, Samanawati devi temple in Barnalu-9, Raghuwireshowr Mahadev temple in Okhaldhunga bazaar, and Kalikadevi in Saraswati sthan, Jalpadevi in Bhimsensthan, Watuk bhairab Ganesh temple. Involvement of local government bodies and local people of Okhaldhunga in spreading the information of these temple to people is seem to be important. Social and cultural institution should also play leadership role in the process.
Gumba - 15% of Buddhist are in Okhaldhunga and we have eight popular gumba which are also not well informed to the public. Some popular gumba of the district are Tolthol gumba, Riyal gumba and Dolakhark gumba of Patle, Kimardin gumba of Bhusinga, Ketuke gumba of Ketuke, Bhirkhark gumba of Khijiphalate, Ghunsa gumba of Baruneshwor and Lamja gumba of Ragani. These gumba attracts both national and foreign tourists, and nuns and monks. We need to do some fine-grained research studies on gumba of Manang, Mustang and Rasuwa. In reality it is not practicle for Okhaldhunga if you stay in a room like you would if you were to make a development strategy for national planning in Kathmandu. The reason behind this is only the local public of Okhaldhunga knows the taste of water, and they have love and affection for Okhaldhunga. These local public of Okhaldhunga live their life and send the last minute of their life in Okhaldhunga due to which they should be devoted in development of the district and spreading the information to help growth of the tourism. We should be free from our misunderstanding of the Government employees, they are not going to benefit Okhaldhunga nor are they going to view Okhaldhunga with a sacred vision.
Things to do to make Okhaldhunga a tourism sector:
People living outside the district needs to spread the information of Okhaldhunga.
Integrate the religious and racial unity in the district.
Coordinate the plans and programs of Okhaldhunga to the Non-government organizations.
A feeling of “Village development is development of your own home” should be developed.
If we could adopt these above mentioned points, it will not take long for us to reach to our goals and objectives
Guru Kedar Baral
(303) 725-5818
Currently in the USA
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

१. कुनै पनि कुरामा निर्णय गर्दा मन भन्द दिमागको प्रयोग गर्ने गर्नु होला ।
२. पढाई नै सब भन्दा मह्त्वपुर्ण काम हो भन्ने कुरा कहिल्ये नबिर्सनु ।
३. एक अर्काको भावनाको आदर गर्ने गर्नुस।
४. आफु कतै जाँदा आफ्नो नजिकको मित्रलाई भन्ने गर्नुस ।
५. बाबु आमा लाई साथी झै सम्झनुहोस । हरेक कुराहरु मिलाएर भन्ने गर्नुहोस ।
६. साथीहरुको लह लहैमा लग्नु भन्दा सोचेर निर्णय गर्ने गर्नुहोस ।
७. साथीले भन्छ भन्दैमा अफ्नो निर्णय नबदल्नुस, आफ्नो भावनाहरुलाई नियन्त्रनमा राख्नुहोस।
८. पछि पछुताउनुपर्ने कुनै काम नगर्नुहोस।
९. एक अर्का संग भेट्दा सके सकेसम्म एकान्तमा कहिले नभेत्नु ।
१०. बिश्वासको सिमा निर्धारण गर्नुहोस ।
११. आफ्नो पहिरनलाई शालिनताको हदमा रख्नुहोस।
१२. पैसाको लेनदेनलाई एक सिमा सम्म मात्र गर्ने गर्नुहोस।
१३. ग्लामोरको पछाडी नलाग्नुहोस ।
१४. आफ्नो सामर्थ अनुसारको ब्यबहार गर्नुहोस।
Friday, January 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
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